Compositions on concerts






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Zweistimmig dreiteilig (WP)

Gábor Palotás – vibraphone

April 11
'Vibes and Wires' – Palotás Gábor's concert. Kecskeméti Kodály Iskola, Kecskemét (H)

new piece (WP)

Pálfalvi Tamás – double bell trumpet, UMZE Ensemble, cond. by Balázs Horváth

Jan. 27
Átlátszó Hang Újzenei Fesztivál, BMC, Budapest (H).

AI advice (WP)

NEO Kvartet

Jan. ??
Átlátszó Hang Újzenei Fesztivál, hol?, Budapest (H).

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Schulhoff: Hot Sonate (orchestration)

Szepesi Bence – a-sax., Budafoki Dohnányi Zenekar, vez.: Hollerung Gábor

Nov. 22
Latin virtue – Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest (H).

A helység kalapácsa

Forte Társulat, stage director: Csaba Horváth, Mendelssohn Chamber Orchestra (aritistic director: Péter Kováts), cond. by Balázs Horváth

Nov. 19
House of Music, Hungary, Budapest (H)

ADM (quasi chaconne)

Roland Szentpáli – tb.

Oct. 16
Roland Szentpáli's recital, Ötpacsirta Szalon, Budapest (H).

Waiting for...

UMZE Ensemble, cond. by Horváth Balázs

Oct 11, 12, 13
Pesent time with UMZE 2.0, Miskolc, Pécs, Kecskemét (universities) (H).

Passaconne hybride (WP of complete version)

Márta Ábrahám – vl.

Oct. 07
Mini Festival, Óbudai Társaskör, Budapest (H).


Óbuda Danubia Symphony Orchestra, cond. by participants of the seminar

Oct. 06
Eötvös Péter Contemporary Music Foundation – seminar closing concert, BMC, Budapest (H).

Surface studies

Gábor Palotás – marimba

Sept. 29
Magyar Marimba Metszetek – Palotás Gábor concert. Pécs (H)

Surface studies

Gábor Palotás – marimba

Sept. 28
Magyar Marimba Metszetek – Palotás Gábor concert. Kaposvári Liszt Ferenc Zeneiskola hangversenyterme, Kaposvár (H)

Férfiszemmel / Női szemmel

Háy János;
Ágnes Herczku (voice), Réman Zs. (fl.), Bartek Zs. (cl.), Osztrosits É. (vl.), Zétényi T. (vlc.), Kiss P. (pf.), Nevelő J. (perc.), cond. by Balázs Horváth

Sept 27
House of Music, Hungary, Budapest (H)

PLAYLIST für meine Reise nach Gera, 2018 (H prem)
(WP of complete version with Mozart)
Partita ricostruita

Classicus Quartet (Kökény Eszter, Gál-Szabó Alíz, Tornyai Péter, Zétényi Tamás), Szűcs Péter – cl., Szalai András – cimb.

Sept 23
"Quotations, transcriptions" – Horváth Balázs composer's recital, BMC Library, Budapest (H)

Surface studies

Gábor Palotás – marimba

Sept. 21
Magyar Marimba Metszetek – Palotás Gábor concert. Miskolci Egressy Béni – Erkel Ferenc Alapfokú Művészeti Iskolaa Erdélyi Lászlóné Terem, Miskolc (H)

A helység kalapácsa (trio version)

Forte Társulat, stage director: Csaba Horváth, Mendelssohn Chamber Orchestra (aritistic director: Péter Kováts), cond. by Balázs Horváth

Sept. 03
Electric Music Festival, Inota (H)

La continuitá interrottá (á Elliott Carter) – sax-pf. version (F prem.)

Nicolas Arsenijevic – sax, NN – pf

July 21
35ème Université Européenne du Saxophone, La Chapelle des pénitents Gratuit, Gap (F)

Charleston for Rozsda

Réman Zsófia (fl), Bartek Zsolt (cl), Varga Oskar (vl), Rohmann Ditta (vlc), Nevelő János (perc), vez.: Horváth Balázs

July 13
Hommage á Rozsda, Várfok Galery, Budapest. (H)

Surface studies

Gábor Palotás – marimba

June 22
Magyar Marimba Metszetek – Palotás Gábor concert. Kalocsai Liszt Ferenc AMI zenei tábor, Kalocsa (H)



June 18
FModulations6: ”Antique World No.1”, FUGA, Budapest (H)

Base(d on) (WP)

András Németh – MIDI keyboard

June 11
A repetitív minimalizmus tükrében (Repetitive minimalism) – CentriFUGA, FUGA, Budapest (H).

Passaconne hybride (WP)

Competitors of the first round – vl.

June 05-07
14th Carl Flesch International Violin Competiton, Mosonmagyaróvár – obligatory work for the 1st round, Carl Flesch Culture Center, Mosonmagyaróvár (H).

Surface studies

Gábor Palotás – marimba

June 08
Magyar Marimba Metszetek – Palotás Gábor concert. Tinódi Ház Majoros terme, Dombóvár (H)

Charleston for Rozsda (WP)

Réman Zsófia (fl), Bartek Zsolt (cl), Varga Oskar (vl), Rohmann Ditta (vlc), Nevelő János (perc), vez.: Horváth Balázs

May 30
Hommage á Rozsda, House of Music, Hungary, Budapest. (H)

Passaconne hybride

Joel Munday – vl

May 26
Joel Munday recital, Recital Hall, Royal College of Music, London (GB).

Charleston for Rozsda (non public premiere)

Réman Zsófia (fl), Bartek Zsolt (cl), Varga Oskar (vl), Rohmann Ditta (vlc), Nevelő János (perc), vez.: Horváth Balázs

May 24
Hommage á Rozsda, Várfok Galery, Budapest. (H)

Élet (AZ prem.)

Szilárd Benes – clarinet

May 23
Portraits: Szilárd Benes (clarinet), Contemporary Music Days, The Museum Centre, Baku, Azerbajdzsán (AZ)

A helység kalapácsa

Forte Társulat, stage director: Csaba Horváth, Mendelssohn Chamber Orchestra (aritistic director: Péter Kováts), cond. by Balázs Horváth

May 14
Hangvilla, Veszprém (H).

Európa rádió, éjszaka; Élet

Károlyi Katalin – ms., Szűcs Péter – cl.,

April 02
Balogh Máté és Horváth Balázs közös szerzői estje Kálnay Adél és Petőcz András felolvasásával egybekötve, Nyitott Műhely, Budapest (H)

Európa rádió, éjszaka; Élet

Károlyi Katalin – ms., Szűcs Péter – cl.,

April 01
Balogh Máté és Horváth Balázs közös szerzői estje Kálnay Adél és Petőcz András felolvasásával egybekötve, Vaszary Villa, Balatonfüred (H)

Waiting for...

UMZE Ensemble, cond. by Horváth Balázs

March 28, 30
Pesent time with UMZE 2.0, Debrecen, Győr (universities) (H).

Surface studies

Gábor Palotás – marimba

March 23
Magyar Marimba Metszetek – Palotás Gábor concert. Vujicsics Tihamér AMI, Szentendre (H)

Passaconne hybride

Vörösváry Márton – vl.

March 22
Doctorandus concerts, Liszt Academy of Music, Solti Hall, Budapest (H)

La continuitá interrottá (á Elliott Carter) – sax-pf. version

Nicolas Arsenijevic – sax, Seleljo Irén – pf

March 18
Saxophone Festival of the Liszt Academy, Solti Hall, Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest (H)

Surface studies

Gábor Palotás – marimba

March 18
Magyar Marimba Metszetek – Palotás Gábor concert. Hajdúböszörmény (H)

Surface studies

Gábor Palotás – marimba

March 17
Magyar Marimba Metszetek – Palotás Gábor concert. Művészetek Háza, Orosháza (H)

Élet (Life)

Szűcs Péter – clarinet

March 05
In memoriam Jeney (80), FUGA, Budapest (H)

Surface studies

Gábor Palotás – marimba

March 02
Magyar Marimba Metszetek – Palotás Gábor concert. Veszprémi Csermák Antal AMI, Auer-terem, Veszprém (H)

A helység kalapácsa (WP)

Forte Társulat, stage director: Csaba Horváth, Mendelssohn Chamber Orchestra (aritistic director: Péter Kováts), cond. by Balázs Horváth

Jan. 21
EKF – Veszprém, Hangvilla, Veszprém (H).

A helység kalapácsa (closed premiere)

Forte Társulat, stage director: Csaba Horváth, Mendelssohn Chamber Orchestra (aritistic director: Péter Kováts), cond. by Balázs Horváth

Jan. 07
EKF – Veszprém, Hangvilla, Veszprém (H).


Budapest Sound Collective, cond. by Gergely Dubóczky

Jan. 07
Transparent Sound New Music Festival, Liszt Academy of Music, Solti Hall, Budapest (H).


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Mixtures (WP)

Debrecen University Music Department Saxophone Orchestra (artistic director: Tamás Szitás), cond. by Balázs Horváth

Nov. 26
Nicolas Arsenijevic (France) saxophone concert, Debrecen University Music Department – Liszt Hall, Debrecen (H).

Surface studies

Gábor Palotás – marimba

Nov. 17
Magyar Marimba Metszetek – Palotás Gábor concert. Private AMI, Makó (H)


Gábor Palotás – perc., Balázs Horváth – assistent

Nov. 06
Hermina, Átlátszó Hang–Design Without Borders Kiscelli Múzeum, Budapest (H).

Surface studies

Gábor Palotás – marimba

Oct. 20
Magyar Marimba Metszetek – Palotás Gábor concert. Hermann László Zeneművészeti Szakgimnázium és AMI Nagyterme, Székesfehérvár (H)

Élet (Life)

Szűcs Péter – clarinet

Oct. 16.
Hermina, Átlátszó Hang–Design Without Borders, Kiscelli Múzeum, Budapest (H)

Surface studies

Gábor Palotás – marimba

Oct. 13.
Magyar Marimba Metszetek – Palotás Gábor concert. Liszt Ferenc Zeneiskola AMI, Győr (H)

Surface studies

Gábor Palotás – marimba

Sept. 22
Magyar Marimba Metszetek – Palotás Gábor concert. Szegedi Király Kőnig Péter Zeneiskola Hangversenyterme, Szeged (H)

Broken con(sor)tinuity

UMZE Ensemble, cond. by Gregory Vajda

Sept. 16

Surface studies

Gábor Palotás – marimba

Sept. 15
Magyar Marimba Metszetek – Palotás Gábor concert. Kiskunhalasi Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola Hangversenyterme, Kiskunhalas (H)

All-in (WP)

Electronics (organ)

June 19
CentriFuga, FUGA, Budapest (H).

Surface studies

Gábor Palotás – marimba

June 09
Magyar Marimba Metszetek – Palotás Gábor concert. Kunszentmártoni Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola Hangversenyterme, Kunszentmárton (H)

Die Fuge der Kunst

Óbuda Danubia Symphony Orchestra, cond. by Benjamin Bayl (recording)

May 26
Bartók Rádió, Budapest (H)

Európa rádió, éjszaka (WP);
sorok, szavak, betűk
gyakorlatok egy színpadon felejtett hegedűre
ADM (quasi chaconne)
die ReAlisierung einer komPosition

Katalin Károlyi – ms., Péter Szűcs – cl., Kata Farkas, Éva Osztrosits – vl., Roland Szentpáli – tb., Free Voicews Vocal Ensemble, cond. by Laura Antal

May 14
betűk-hangok – Horváth Balázs recital of vocal and instrumental pieces , BMC Library, Budapest (H)

Kötöttfogású, szabadfogású...

Gergely Janák – bass trombone

Apr. 26
Gergely Janák diploma concert, Old Academy of Music, Budapest (H).

Surface studies

Gábor Palotás – marimba

Apr. 07
Magyar Marimba Metszetek – Palotás Gábor concert.Mezőtúri Bárdos Lajos Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola Hangversenyterme, Mezőtúr (H)

Duett madrigal (WP)

Murányi Márta, Szathmáry Judit – voice, Pétery Dóra – portative organ, Bolcsó Bálint – electronics, Peternák Anna – video

Apr 03
CentriFuga, FUGA, Budapest (H).

Surface studies

Gábor Palotás – marimba

March 24
Magyar Marimba Metszetek – Palotás Gábor concert. Balázs Árpád Alapfokú Művészetoktatási Iskola, Hangversenyterem, Kiskunfélegyháza (H)

Surface studies

Gábor Palotás – marimba

Febr. 24
Magyar Marimba Metszetek – Palotás Gábor concert. Tóth Aladár Zeneiskola, Budapest (H)

Überleitungen (WP)

Classicus Quartet

Febr. 19.
Das Wohltemperierte Streichquartett 14. – ‘B’, BMC, Budapest (H).

Die Fuge der Kunst (WP)

Óbuda Danubia Symphony Orchestra, cond. by Benjamin Bayl

Jan. 30
KUNST I DER I FUGE, Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest (H).

Unisono (WP)

UMZE Ensemble, cond. by László Tihanyi

Jan. 15
Transparent Sound New Music Festival, BMC, Budapest (H).


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ADM (quasi chaconne)

Roland Szentpáli – tb.

Nov. 27
"Throbbing/Lüktetés” – joint project of Hermina Galery, Transparent SOund New Music Festival and Borderless Design, Kiscelli Museum, Budapest (H).

Surface studies

Gábor Palotás – marimba

Oct. 27
Magyar Marimba Metszetek – Palotás Gábor' Recital. Baptista Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola Nagyterme, Kisújszállás (H)

Surface studies

Gábor Palotás – marimba

Oct. 26
Magyar Marimba Metszetek – Palotás Gábor's Recital. Bács-Kiskun Megyei Katona József Könyvtár, Kecskemét (H)

Cirkuszoid (Circusoyd)

UMZE Ensemble (Berta Bánki, József Rácz, Emese Mali, Tamás Schlanger), cond. by Horváth Balázs

Oct. 05, 06, 11
Present time of music' – Ensemble UMZE at Hungarian Universities.
Debrecen, Miskolc, Pécs

La continuita interrotta (a Elliott Carter) (cl.-pf. version) (H prem.)

Horia Dumitrache – cl., Emese Mali – pf.

Oct. 2
Mini Festival, Óbudai Társaskör, Budapest (H)

quasi ciaccona metrica

Tamás Pálfalvi – tr., UMZE Ensemble, cond. by Gregory Vajda

Sept. 17
Bridging Europe 2021, Palace of Arts, Festival Theatre, Budapest (H)

Rács (Grid)
(H prem.)
Surface Studies
(H prem.)
La strada ghiaiosa - per il sessantaquinto compleanno di Zoltán JENEY

Palotás Gábor – perc., Tamás Szabolcs – perc., Bánki Berta – fl., Baráth Bálint – pf., András Szalai – cimb., cond. by Horváth Balázs

Sept. 06
Monolith –Balázs Horváth's Composers' Recital (pieces for percussion), BMC Lybrary, Budapest (H)

"Rhapsody" no.2 (WP)

Flóra Matuska – vlc., János Nevelő, Dániel Láposi – perc.

June 27
perc CentriFuga concerts, FUGA, Budapest (H).

"Rhapsody" no.1 (WP)

Tamás Szitás – sax., János Nevelő, Dániel Láposi – perc.

June 27
perc CentriFuga concerts, FUGA, Budapest (H).

La continuita interrotta (a Elliott Carter) (cl.-pf. version) (SERB prem.)

Mihajlo Samoran – cl, Vladimir Gligorić – pf.

June 19
29th International Review of Composers, Belgrade (2020) (SERB)

La strada ghiaiosa - per il sessantaquinto compleanno di Zoltán JENEY

András Szalai – cimb.

June 06
Partita-pairings 3, Bartók Memorial House, Budapest (H)

Partita ricustruita (WP)

Péter Szűcs – cl., Tamás Zétényi – vlc., András Szalai – cimb.

June 06
Partita-pairings 3, Bartók Memorial House, Budapest (H)

Nata, Son

Shuntaro Goto – vla., Ayumu Maehara – pf.

May 25
Shuntaro Goto & Ayumu Maehara Chamber Music Diploma Concert, Liszt Academy of Music, Solti Hall, Budapest (H).

excercises for a violin left on stage (WP)

József Rácz – vl.

May 24
Hommage á Bálint Nagy, CentriFuga, FUGA, Budapest (H)


Dóra Pétery – cemb. (recording)

Febr. 01
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

AOV #71

Modern Art Orchestra, "cond. by" Balázs Horváth (online show)

Jan. 14
Átlátszó Hang Újzenei Fesztivál (Transparent Sound Festival), online version, BMC, Budapest (H)

my sounds at home (WP)

video+sound miniature

Jan. 14
MUVID-19 website


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Rács (Grid)
(H prem.)
Surface Studies
(H prem.)


Palotás Gábor – perc., Tóth Szabolcs – perc., Berta Bánki – fl., Baráth Bálint – pf., András Szalai – cimb., cond. by Horváth Balázs

Dec. ??.
Monolith –Balázs Horváth's COmposers' Recital (pieces for percussion), FSzEK, Budapest (H)

Surface Studies


Palotás Gábor – perc., Tóth Szabolcs – perc., Bán Máté – fl., Baráth Bálint – pf., cond. by Horváth Balázs

Nov. 26.
Horváth Balázs and Solti Árpád composers' recital, Kodály Iskola, Kecskemét (H)

Surface studies


Gábor Palotás – marimba

Nov. 21.
Marimba Metszetek – Gábor Palotás arimba recital. BMC Library, Budapest (H)

Cirkuszoid (Circusoyd)

UMZE Ensemble (Berta Bánki, Oskar Varga, Emese Mali, Tamás Schlanger), cond. by Horváth Balázs

Nov. 04, 05
Present time of music' – Ensemble UMZE at Hungarian Universities.
Szeged, Győr

quasi ciaccona metrica
the 6th and the 8th movements

Tamás Pálfalvi – tr., UMZE Ensemble, cond. by László Tihanyi
Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, cond. by Gregory Vajda

Nov. 04
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

the 6th and the 8th movements (WP)

Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, cond. by Gregory Vajda

Oct. 11
The Finalists' concert of the orchestra category of the New Hungarian Music Forum, 2020, Palace of Arts, Festivaltheatre, Budapest (H)

quasi ciaccona metrica (WP)

Tamás Pálfalvi – tr., UMZE Ensemble, cond. by László Tihanyi

Oct. 11
The Finalists' concert of the ensemble category of the New Hungarian Music Forum, 2020, CAFe Budapest, BMC, Budapest (H)

...'s love???

Anna Fűri - ms., Zoltán Gyöngyössy - fl., Componensemble, cond. by Zsolt Serei (recording)

Oct. 02
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

Férfiszemmel / Női szemmel (From men's / women's perspective)

Ágnes Herczku – voice, UMZE Ensemble, cond. by Balázs Horváth

Sept. 28.
All' Ongherese, BMC, Budapest (H)

Three-sheet (D prem.)

Lívia Duleba – fl.

Jan. 24
Collegium Hungaricum, Berlin (D)

Werkmusik (WP of ensemble version)

Revolution Gábor Czabán) – beatbox, Ensemble UMZE cond. by Balázs Horváth

Jan. 17
Átlátszó Hang Újzenei Fesztivál (Transparent Sound Festival), BMC, Budapest (H)

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Surface studies

Gábor Palotás – marimba

Nov. 26
Percussion events at the Kodály School 4/2 - Palotás Gábor Marimba concert, KMI Kodály Zoltán Ének-Zenei Iskolája, Kecskemét (H).

6:3 – the FIRST Goal within 70 seconds (WP)

Concerto Budapest, cond. by András Keller

Nov. 10
Day of Listening, BMC, Budapest (H)

Pontok, vonalak (to Sacher via Boulez) (CZ prem.)

Balázs Adorján – vlc.

Nov. 05
The Beauty of Today. Experimantal Space, Prague (CZ)

Passaconne (CZ prem.)

Barbora Haasová – fl.

Nov. 05
The Beauty of Today. Experimantal Space, Prague (CZ)


THReNSeMBLe, cond. by Balázs Horváth

Oct. 13
’The Faces of the Clarinet’ – CAFe Budapest, BMC, Budapest (H)

Fake-polyphony (D prem.)

THReNSeMBLe, cond. by Balázs Horváth

Oct. 11
’The Faces of the Clarinet’, Kalsruhe Musikhochschule, Kalsruhe (D)

cF (WP)

Tamás Zétényi – vlc.

Oct. 06
FUGA10 Jubilee – CentruFuga concerts, Budapest (H)

Kirakós (Jigsaw)
Miles away
Metamorphose - hommage á Péter Tornyai

Etude F#-E-Bb -semitone
(Hommage a G. F. H.)
Kötöttfogású, szabadfogású...
Again and again and...
ADM (quasi chaconne)

In Medias Brass, Szeged Trombone Ensemble cond. by Balázs Horváth, Tamás Pálfalvi, Tamás Dávida, Thiago Bertoldi, János Benyus, Dávid Sztranyák, György Gyivicsán, Roland Szentpáli, László Csízi

Oct. 05
Balázs Horváth's Composer Recital, Old Academy of Music, Budapest (H)

die ReAlisierung einer komPosition (WP – ensemble version)

Mike Braugher – rapper, New Juilliard Ensemble, cond. by  Joel Sachs

Oct. 01
NJE Series at Juilliard, Peter Jay Sharp Theater, New York (USA).

La continuita interrotta (a Elliott Carter) (fl.-pf. version) (RUS prem.)

NN – cl., NN – pf. (Pincode Ensemble)

June 08
“Echo of the Huns" – «Opus52», Nizhny Novgorod (RUS)

TAZI Fanfare

Teachers and students of TAZI (school), cond. by László Simai

May 27
the official closing of the 115th anniversary of the Tóth Aladár Music School, Operetta Theater, Budapest (H)

Tea for three (WP)

Máté Bán – fl., Csaba Fervágner – cb., András Németh – pf., Bálint Bolcsó – electr., cond. by Balázs Horváth

May 19
The Fervágner-bass – CentriFuga concerts, FUGA, Budapest (H).

M4 (A prem.)

duo ovocutters (Sonja Leipold – harpsichord, Christoph Hofer – accordion)

April 26
ISCM Carinthia concert, Klagenfurt (A)


Máté Bán – fl., Oskar Varga – vla., Barbara Kriesch – hf.

April 14
(A)symmetry for trio, FUGA, Budapest (H)

fragmentuum+arpège+miroirs (GR prem.)

Sonja Leipold – harpsichord

April 12
'O qual incendio' Festival – Ensemble Airborne Extended, Athens (GR)

Surface studies
Nata, Son


Gábor Palotás (percussion), Bálint Baráth (piano), Péter Bársony (viola), Tihamér Hlavacsek (piano), duo ovocutters (Sonja Leipold – harpsichord, Christoph Hofer – accordion), János Bali (recorder), Dóra Pétery (harpsichord), Classicus qurtet (József Rácz, Éva Osztrosits, Péter Tornyai, Tamás Zétényi), Gábor Gyetvai (double bass), Horváth Balázs (conductor)

March 24
Balázs Horváth portrait concert, FUGA, Budapest (H)

Canons based on Musikalisches Opfer (J. S. Bach) (Middle Register Canon with sinewave "glissando"; Disappearing Canon with sinewave supplement; Quartertone Retrograde Canon) (WP)

László Sándor – vl., Péter Tornyai – vla., Tamás Zétényi – vlc., Judit Nagy – fl., Balázs Horváth – keyboard

March 19
Bach – for everyone. Aranytíz, Budapest (H)

La continuita interrotta (a Elliott Carter) (cl.-pf. version) (D prem.)

Horia Dumitrache – cl., Christine Cornier Langois – pf.

March 05
Unerhörte Musik, BKA, Berlin (D)

and the ice is breaking around you, too

Lisa Bost-Sandberg – fl, Éva Polgár – pf

March 04
University of North Dakota, Josephine Campbell Recital Hall North Dakota (USA)


Tayos Quartet

Febr. 28
Váci Bartók-Pikéthy Szakgimnázium, Vác (H)

and the ice is breaking around you, too

Lisa Bost-Sandberg – fl, Éva Polgár – pf

Febr. 28
Concordia College Department of Music, Christiansen Recital Hall, Hvidsten Hall of Music, North Dakota (USA)

MAGNETS IVa (round and round)

Hungarian National Philharmonic – chamber ensemble, cond. by Zsolt Hamar

Febr. 18.
Gin-tonic (contemporary+jazz), Garden Bazaar, Budapest (H)


Kornél Fekete-Kovács, Modern Art Orchestra, cond. by Balázs Horváth

Jan. 20
Contemporary music – CD presentation, BMC, Budapest (H)

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Nata, Son

Péter Bársony and Tihamér Hlavacsek (recording)

Dec. 04
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

innen / onnan / egyébként (from here / from there / anyway) (WP)

Ditta Rohmann – vlc., Lajos Lencsés – ob., György Lakatos – fg.

Dec. 12
Hungarian Radio, Marble Hall, Budapest (H)

Férfiszemmel / Női szemmel (From men's / women's perspective)

Ágnes Herczku – voice, THReNSeMBLe, cond. by Balázs Horváth

Dec. 06
A Harmadik Hely, Budapest (H)

Nata, Son (WP)

Péter Bársony and Tihamér Hlavacsek

Dec. 04
Hungarian Radio, Marble Hall, Budapest (H)

Nata, Son (pre-premiere)

Péter Bársony and Tihamér Hlavacsek

Nov. 30
Music School, Dunakeszi (H)

MAGNETS III (continued)

Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra, cond. by Péter Tornyai

Nov. 29
Centrális Galéria, Budapest (H)

La continuita interrotta (a Elliott Carter) (sax-pf. version)

Erzsébet Seleljo – sop.sax, Irén Seleljo – pf.

Nov. 27
Bach&Breaks, Három Holló (Drei Raben), Budapest (H)

PLAYLIST für meine Reise nach Gera, 2018 (WP)

Hendrik Schnöke – cl., Maximilian Hörmeyer, Anne-Sophie Kühne – vl., Robert Hartung – vla., Ji In Choi – vlc.

Nov. 18
265. Foyerkonzert, Stadttheater, Gera (D)

(with piano accompaniment)

Tamás Dávida – tr., Thiago Bertoldi – pf.

Sept. 20
DLA concert by Tamás Dávida, Liszt Academy of Music, Solti Hall, Budapest. (H)

La continuita interrotta (a Elliott Carter) (sax-pf. version) (CRO prem.)

Erzsébet Seleljo – sop.sax, Irén Seleljo – pf.

July 14
World Saxophone Congress, ACADEMY OF MUSIC Fran Lhotka Hall, Zagreb (CRO)


THReNSeMBLe (Nagy Judit, Zétényi Tamás, Kiss Péter, Nevelő János), cond. by Horváth Balázs

May 26
Partiumi Christian University, Oradea (RO)

Cirkuszoid (RO prem.)

THReNSeMBLe (Nagy Judit, Zétényi Tamás, Kiss Péter, Nevelő János), cond. by Horváth Balázs

May 25
A Tribute to György Ligeti, Palace Redut, Cluj-Napoca (RO)


Marimbiano duo (Gábor Palotás – mar., Bálint Baráth – pf.)

Apr. 19
Szabó Ervin Library, Budapest (H)

approximately 10

Duo SeRa: Erzsébet Seleljo – A-sax., Razvaljajeva Anasztázia – hf.

Apr. 15
Esterházy memorial concert, Fuga, Budapest (H)


Marimbiano duo (Gábor Palotás – mar., Bálint Baráth – pf.)

Apr. 11
Csermák Antal Music School, Csermák Hall, Veszprém (H)


Marimbiano duo (Gábor Palotás – mar., Bálint Baráth – pf.)

Apr. 05
Győr Synagogue, Győr (H)

approximately 10

Duo SeRa: Erzsébet Seleljo – A-sax., Razvaljajeva Anasztázia – hf.

Apr. 05
Érintettek Klasszik Szalonkoncertek, Bajor Gizi Színészmúzeum, Budapest (H)

Élet (Life) (SLO prem.)

Jože KOTAR – cl.

March 14
Slovenian and Hungarian Composers’ Union joint concert. Ljubljana (SLO)

La continuita interrotta (a Elliott Carter) (sax-pf. version)

Erzsébet Seleljo – sop.sax, Irén Seleljo – pf.

March 02
Doctorate concert by Erzsébet Seleljo, Fuga, Budapest (H)

fragmentuum+arpège+miroirs (WP)

Pétery Dóra – cemb.

febr. 18.
CentriFUGA koncertek, Fuga, Budapest (H)


Éva Polgár – pf.

febr. 15.
University of North Texas College of Music, Voertman Hall, Denton, Texas (USA)

Wannabe (WP)

Modern Art Orchestra, cond. by Kornél Fekete-Kovács

Jan. 21
Átlátszó Hang Újzenei Fesztivál (Transparent Sound Festival), BMC, Budapest (H)

top of page


Plunderphonic intermezzi

Óbuda Danubia Symphony Orchestra, cond. by Máté Hámori (recording)

Dec. 15
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

Tectonic (WP)

Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra and THReNSeMBLe, cond. by Balázs Horváth

Dec. 07
K11 Gallery, Budapest (H)


Marimbiano duo (Gábor Palotás – mar., Bálint Baráth – pf.)

Nov. 29
Székesfehérvári Hermann László Zeneművészeti Szakgimnázium és AMI, Székesfehérvár (H)

(untitled) (WP)

Marimbiano duo (Gábor Palotás – mar., Bálint Baráth – pf.)

Nov. 22
Szombathely Art Secondary School, Szombathely (H)

character (MEX prem.)

Éva Polgár – pf.

Nov. 16
Casa de la Cultura, Cancún (MEX)


Éva Polgár – pf.

Oct. 27
United Magyar House, Los Angeles, CA (USA)

character (WP)

Éva Polgár – pf.

Oct. 26
University of Redlands, Watchorn Hall, Redlands, California (USA)

Plunderphonic intermezzi (WP)

Óbuda Danubia Symphony Orchestra, cond. by Máté Hámori

Oct. 10
The Finalists' concert of the New Hungarian Music Forum, 2017, Palace of Arts, Bartók Béla National Concert Hall, Budapest (H)


András Szalai, Ildikó Vékony - cimb., Marcell Dargay - pno., chamber ensemble, cond. by Balázs Horváth (recording)

Sept. 22
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

approximately 10

Duo SeRa: Erzsébet Seleljo – A-sax., Razvaljajeva Anasztázia – hf.

Aug. 19
HEFTER Gallery, Pannonhalma (H)

Élet (Life)

Csaba Klenyán – cl.

July 17
The opening concert of the Ligeti-Kurtág Workshop , Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest (H)

pikokosmos =› millikosmos (WP)

Roland Szentpáli – tb., THReNSeMBLe, cond. by Balázs Horváth

June 26
Kleiner Saal, Tonhalle, Zürich (CH)

La continuita interrotta (a Elliott Carter) (I prem.)

Tommaso Bisiak – fl., Reana De Luca – pf.

June 18
Risuonanze, 2017, Pasian di Prato, Udine (I)


Gábor Palotás - perc. (NN - assistant)

June 18
CentriFUGA concerts, Fuga, Budapest (H).

Élet (Life)

Zsolt Bartek – cl.

June 12
in memoriam Kálmán Katona, Hermina Gallery, Budapest (H)

Canons based on Musikalisches Opfer (J. S. Bach) (Middle Register Canon with sinewave "glissando"; Disappearing Canon with sinewave supplement; Quartertone Retrograde Canon) (WP)

Réka Baksai – vl., Péter Tornyai – vla., Tamás Zétényi – vlc., Judit Nagy – fl., Balázs Horváth – keyboard

May 07
Bach Offerings – In the footsteps of Musikalisches Opfer. Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Solti Hall, Budapest (H)

Halálomba belebotlok – on poems by György Petri (RO prem.)

Judit Szathmáry – soprano, Csaba Klenyán, Zsolt Bartek – cl., Krisztián Andor – pf.

Apr. 25, 26, 27, 28
Paralel century – CentriFuga production.
Transit House, Cluj-Napoca (RO)
Nagy István Art High School, Csíkszereda (RO)
, Székelyudvarhely (RO)
, Tirgu Mures (RO)

Halálomba belebotlok – on poems by György Petri

Judit Szathmáry – soprano, Csaba Klenyán, Zsolt Bartek – cl., Krisztina Taraszova/Krisztián Andor – pf.

Apr. 24
Paralel century – CentriFuga production. Liszt Hall, Debrecen (H)

Dualith (version for flute, 2 percussions and piano) (RC prem.)

Festival Ensemble of Taiwan International Music Festival, cond. by Lin Liao

Apr. 23
Taiwan International Music Festival, Taipei (Taiwan)

Fragmenti «Ja gulyala veselo»

Budapest Strings Chamber Orchestra, cond. by Balázs Horváth (recording)

Apr. 03
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

approximately 10 (WP)

Duo SeRa: Erzsébet Seleljo – A-sax., Razvaljajeva Anasztázia – hf.

Febr. 26
Encounters (4.0), Fuga, Budapest (H)

Broken con(sor)tinuity (H prem.)

ARTéfacts ensemble

Jan. 07
Opening concert of the Átlátszó Hang Újzenei Fesztivál (Transparent Sound Festival), Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Solti Hall, Budapest (H)

Élet (Life)

Csaba Klenyán – cl. (recording)

Jan. 04
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

top of page


Négyzetes kilátás – variációk (Quadratic view – variations) (WP)

Tornyainé Dóry Zsuzsa - vlc., Balázs Horváth - pno., electr.

Dec. 13
Vernissage of Eszter Varga-Nádas, Hermina Gallery, Budapest (H)

Élet (Life) (WP)

Csaba Klenyán – cl.

Nov. 30.
Új Magyar Művek Bemutatója, Fészek Klub, Budapest (H)

lines, words, letters ...

Judit Rajk - alt, Gábor Csonka - vl., Péter Szűcs - bass-cl.

Nov. 26.
2nd Péter Vallai Contemporary Festival, RS9 Theatre, Budapest (H)


Andrea Csereklyei - ms., Ensemble, cond. by Balázs Horváth (recording)

Nov. 02
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

MAGNETS I/b (Crux)

Intermoduláció Chamber Ensemble, cond. by László Tihanyi (recording)

Oct. 30
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

egyet(NEM)értés – (DIS)agreement

János Bali – recorder, Dóra Pétery – harpsichord

Oct. 16.
Alma, FUGA, Budapest. (H)

Blazhen muz (WP)

Bali János, Balogh Máté, Kedves Csanád, Kéringer László, Tornyai Péter – melodica

Oct. 16.
Alma, FUGA, Budapest. (H)


Óbuda Chamber Choir, cond. by Ákos Erdős

Oct. 14
CAFe Budapest, Óbudai Társaskör, Budapest (H)

Borrowed Ideas

Bence Horváth – tr.. Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, cond. by Balázs Horváth (recording)

Oct 13
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

Sebes-forgatós (WP)

Video-sound installation (cocreator: Piros Boróka)

Oct. 7-Jan.29.
"#Bartók" Exhibition, Ludwig Museum, Budapest (H)


András Szalai, Ildikó Vékony - cimb., Marcell Dargay - pno., chamber ensemble, cond. by Balázs Horváth (recording)

Oct 07
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

Háromlapos (Three-page) (WP)

Gergely Matuz – fl.

July 16
Roman Catholic Church, Ráckeve (H)

From miles away (USA prem.)

Tamás Pálfalvi - tr.

June 29
International Trumpet Seminar, Chosen Vale (USA)


Óbuda Chamber Choir, cond. by Ákos Erdős

June 04
Night of Choirs, Károli Gáspár Protestant University, Budapest (H)


Electronic music to the animation by Boróka Piros zene

June 02
FModulations3, Müszi, Budapest (H)

Mennybe (WP)

Electronic music to the animation by Boróka Piros zene

May 30
the 1st anniversary Exhibition of Hermina Gallery, Hermina Gallery, Budapest (H)

The Audience of an Exhibition (WP)

The audience of the Anniversary exhibition of the Hermina Gallery (clapping)

May 30
the 1st anniversary Exhibition of Hermina Gallery, Hermina Gallery, Budapest (H)

Pontok, vonalak (to Sacher via Boulez)

Tamás Zétényi – vlc.

May 24
Portrait concert – Balázs Horváth and Péter Tornyai, Hermina Gallery, Budapest (H)

La strada ghiaiosa - per il sessantaquinto compleanno di Zoltán JENEY

András Szalai – vlc.

May 24
Portrait concert – Balázs Horváth and Péter Tornyai, Hermina Gallery, Budapest (H)

From miles away

Tamás Pálfalvi - tr.

May 24
Portrait concert – Balázs Horváth and Péter Tornyai, Hermina Gallery, Budapest (H)


Óbuda Chamber Choir, cond. by Ákos Erdős

May 20
30th Anniversary Concert of Óbuda Chamber Choir, MTA Institute of Musicology, Budapest (H)

MAGNETS I/b (Crux)

Intermoduláció Chamber Ensemble, cond. by László Tihanyi (recording)

May 19
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

Street demonstration (WP)

Taxi drivers of Budapest

May 03
the street demonstation of Budapest taxi drivers, on the streets of Budapest (H)

BEAN (H prem.)

Gábor Palotás - perc. (Levente Tóth - assistant)

May 03
60+40 – portrait concert of László Tihanyi and Balázs Horváth, BMC, Budapest (H)


THReNSeMBLe, cond. by Balázs Horváth

May 03
60+40 – portrait concert of László Tihanyi and Balázs Horváth, BMC, Budapest (H)


THReNSeMBLe, cond. by Balázs Horváth

May 03
60+40 – portrait concert of László Tihanyi and Balázs Horváth, BMC, Budapest (H)

Fragmenti «Ja gulyala veselo» (REK prem.)

Hong Kong New Music Ensemble, cond. by Sharon Andrea Choa

March 30
ISCM WMD, Tongyeong Concert Hall. (REK)

egyet(NEM)értés – (DIS)agreement (WP)

János Bali – recorder, Dóra Pétery – harpsichord

March 13
Maladype Theatre, Budapest (H)

Poème Canonique – Trgll (WP)

Students of the 4x4 workshop by VENI Academy, conducted by Marco Vlasák

March 12
Radio_Head Awards festival – Closing concert of 4x4 workshop by VENI Academy, Slovak Radio, Bratislava (SK).


Gábor Palotás - perc. (Matt Andreini - assistant)

March 06
Jenson-Noble Hall of Music, Luther College, Decorah, Iowa (USA)


Gábor Palotás - perc. (Matt Andreini - assistant)

March 05
Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa (USA)

Broken con(sor)tinuity (F prem.)

ARTéfacts ensemble

Febr. 03
Reims Scénes d'Europe, Reims (F)

482 or 483 notes for your 50th birthday – DON’T ASK, WHY! (USA prem.)

counter)induction (Ning Yu) – pf. solo

Febr. 02
'from hungary' – The Sheen Center for THought and Culture, New York (USA)


Barefoot Musicians

Jan. 06 internet radio – Muddle instead of Music, Kentucky (USA)

Werkmusik (WP)

Revolution Gábor Czabán) – beatbox, Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian Radio cond. by Gergely Vajda (recording)

Jan. 01
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)


top of page


én; Halálomba belebotlok – on poems by György Petri (WP)

Judit Szathmáry – voice, Csaba Klenyán, Barnabás Lenner – cl., András Németh – pf.

Dec. 22
6th György Petri Award Ceremony, FUGA, Budapest. (H)

Fragmenti «Ja gulyala veselo» (H prem.)

Budapest Strings Chamber Orchestra, cond. by Balázs Horváth

Nov. 21
Classic lights, BMC, Budapest. (H)


InterSpheres Trio (Lisa Bost-Sandberg – fl, Polgár Éva– pf, Jacob Harpster – perc.)

Nov. 07
Musical Offering, Chicago (USA)

Rács / Grid (WP)

InterSpheres Trio (Lisa Bost-Sandberg – fl, Polgár Éva– pf, Jacob Harpster – perc.)

Nov. 05
Narloch Piano Studio, Chicago (USA)

and even the ice is cracking around you, too

Lisa Bost-Sandberg – fl, Éva Polgár – pf,

Nov. 05
Narloch Piano Studio, Chicago (USA)

Broken con(sor)tinuity

ARTéfacts ensemble (recording)

Oct. 14 internet radio – Muddle instead of Music, Kentucky (USA)

Pontok, vonalak (to Sacher via Boulez)

Tamás Zétényi – vlc.

Oct. 12
Kottakép – opening of the exhibiton, Hermina Galery, Budapest (H)

Werkmusik (WP)

Revolution Gábor Czabán) – beatbox, Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian Radio cond. by Gergely Vajda

Oct. 07
The Finalists' concert of the New Hungarian Music Forum, 2013, Palace of Arts, Bartók Béla National Concert Hall, Budapest (H)

...a very simple case..., and even the ice is cracking around you too, Passaconne, La continuita interrotta (a Elliott Carter)

Gergely Ittzés – fl., Mira Nagy – pf.

Aug. 19
portrait concert of Balázs Horváth (March 29), M2 (Hungarian TV), A38, Budapest (H)

Limerick (1), (2)

Tornyainé Dóry Zsuzsa - vlc., András Németh - pf.

Aug. 31
Hermina Galery, Budapest (H)

Limerick (1), (2) (WP)

Tornyainé Dóry Zsuzsa - vlc., András Németh - pf.

May 27
Hermina Galery, Budapest (H)

Kitsch (WP)

Óbuda Chamber Choir, cond. by Ákos Erdős

May 15
ELTE Trefort Kert, Budapest (H)

Double Cadence avec deux Doubles

Rivka Golani, Péter Bársony - vla., Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, cond. by Gregory Vajda

April 21
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

La continuita interrotta (a Elliott Carter)

Gergely Matuz – fl., Gábor Eckhardt – pf.

April 20
Kor – Társ - Magyar – Zene (Contemporary Hungarian Music), Óbudai Társaskör , Budapest (H)


Gergely Ittzés – fl.

April 10
2nd National Competition of Music School Teachers, Dombóvár (H)

Broken con(sor)tinuity

ARTéfacts ensemble

March 30
French Institute, Athens (GR)

Passaconne (WP)

Gergely Ittzés – fl.,

March 29
concert of young Hungarian composers, A38, Budapest (H)

...a very simple case... (fl-tape version)

Gergely Ittzés – fl., (tape)

March 29
concert of young Hungarian composers, A38, Budapest (H)

La continuita interrotta (a Elliott Carter)

Gergely Ittzés – fl., Mira Nagy – pf.

March 29
concert of young Hungarian composers, A38, Budapest (H)

and even the ice is cracking around you, too

Gergely Ittzés – fl., Mira Nagy – pf.

March 29
concert of young Hungarian composers, A38, Budapest (H)

and even the ice is cracking around you, too

Lisa Bost-Sandberg – fl, Éva Polgár – pf,

March 10
"Rush Hour Concerts" of the Bismarck-Mandan Symphony Orchestra – Trinity Lutheran Church, Bismarck, North Dakota (USA)

and even the ice is cracking around you, too

Lisa Bost-Sandberg – fl, Éva Polgár – pf,

March 07
Faculty/Guest Recital at the University of Mary, North Dakota (USA)

...a very simple case... (fl-tape version)

Gergely Ittzés – fl., (tape)

Jan. 29
"Visszképek és tükörhangok", Műcsarnok (Kunsthalle), Budapest (H)


Kornél Fekete-Kovács, Modern Art Orchestra, cond. by Balázs Horváth

Jan. 14.
Átlátszó Hang Fesztivál (Transparent Sound Festival) 2.0, BMC, Budapest (H)

top of page


Fragmenti v «Ja gulyala veselo» (WP)

Camerny Orchestr "Solisti Nizhnevo Novgoroda", cond. by Evgeny Kirillov

Nov. 29
Festival Contemporary Folk, Nizny Novgorod (RUS)


THReNSeMBLe (Zsolt Bartek, Péter Tornyai, Ferenc János Szabó, János Nevelő), cond. by Balázs Horváth

Nov. 05
Art Gallery, Nitra (SK)

Broken continuity (WP)

ARTéfacts ensemble

Oct. 02
Thebes Women's State Prison (GR)

482 or 483 notes for your 50th birthday – DON’T ASK, WHY! (WP)

Ivan Siller – pf. solo

Sept. 10
Daniel Matej's birthday concert – Ensemble Ricercata (Slovak Radio and Television), Bratislava (SK)


Accord Quartet (concert recording)

July 29
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)


InterSpheres Trio (Lisa Bost-Sandberg – fl, Éva Polgár – pf, Jacob Harpster – perc.)

June 22
Our Lady of Snows Roman Catholic Church, Zebegény (H)


InterSpheres Trio (Lisa Bost-Sandberg – fl, Éva Polgár – pf, Jacob Harpster – perc.)

June 21
Night of the Museums, Kecskemét (H)


InterSpheres Trio (Lisa Bost-Sandberg – fl, Éva Polgár – pf, Jacob Harpster – perc.)

June 20
Bartók Secondary Grammar and Technical School of Music, Budapest(H)


InterSpheres Trio (Lisa Bost-Sandberg – fl, Éva Polgár – pf, Jacob Harpster – perc.)

June 15
FUGA, Budapest (H)


InterSpheres Trio (Lisa Bost-Sandberg – fl, Éva Polgár – pf, Jacob Harpster – perc.)

June 14
Pál Járdányi School of Music, Budapest (H)

Dualith (H prem.)

InterSpheres Trio (Lisa Bost-Sandberg – fl, Éva Polgár – pf, Jacob Harpster – perc.)

June 14
Calvinist Church, Visegrád (H)

TAZI Fanfare

Teachers and students of TAZI (school), cond. by Balázs Horváth

June 01
the official closing of the 110th anniversary of the Tóth Aladár Music School, Main Hall of Liszt F. Academy of Music, Budapest (H)


Accord Quartet

May 14
ArTRIUM, Hungarian Radio, Studio 6, Budapest (H)

Dualith (WP)

InterSpheres Trio (Lisa Bost-Sandberg – fl, Éva Polgár – pf, Jacob Harpster – perc.)

May 8
University of North Texas, College of Music (USA)

Interval repetitions (Hangközimétlések), Linear, La strada ghiaiosa, Lila akác (Purple acacia)

Masato Okazaki – musical saw, Péter Szűcs – cl., Zsolt Bartek – cl., Beáta Móri – cimb.

Apr. 27
portrait concert of Balázs Horváth (Febr. 18), M2 (Hungarian TV), A38, Budapest (H)

die ReAlisierung einer komPosition (vocal version)

Free Voices Vocal Group, cond. by Laura Antal

March 30
FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture (H)

(H prem.)

Ensemble UMZE, cond. by Gergely Vajda

March 23
BMC, Budapest (H)

Waiting for...
(PL prem.)

THReNSeMBLe, cond. by Balázs Horváth

March 22
Miedzynarodowy Festiwal Muzyki Wspolczesnej, Academy of Music, Poznan (PL)

die ReAlisierung einer komPosition (vocal version) (WP)

Free Voices Vocal Group, cond. by Laura Antal

March 20
CEU, Budapest (H)

Symmetry-asymmetriy (A prem.)

Ensemble arTrium (Steffi Mölle – fl., Odile Skarnes – vla., Zsuzsanna Aba-Nagy – hf.)

March 19
Alte Schmiede, Wien (A)

La strada ghiaiosa - per il sessantaquinto compleanno di Zoltán JENEY

Beáta Móri – cimb.

Febr. 18
portrait concert of Balázs Horváth and Dániel Dinyés, A38, Budapest (H)

Lila akác (Purple acacia) (WP)

Beáta Móri – cimb., Zsolt Bartek – cl./b-cl.

Febr. 18
portrait concert of Balázs Horváth and Dániel Dinyés, A38, Budapest (H)

Linear – for Zoltán Jeney's 70th birthday

Masato Okazaki – musical saw

Febr. 18
portrait concert of Balázs Horváth and Dániel Dinyés, A38, Budapest (H)

Interval repetitions (Hangközimétlések) – for Péter Eötvös' 70th birthday (WP)

Masato Okazaki – musical saw, Péter Szűcs – cl.

Febr. 18
portrait concert of Balázs Horváth and Dániel Dinyés, A38, Budapest (H)

fordítási gyakorlat (Chorus) (WP)

Zemlényi Eszter, Bocskor Bíborka, Bocskor Salló Lóránt – szöveg, Klenyán Csaba – cl., Tornyai Péter – vl., Zétényi Tamás – vlc., Juan Pablo Cano – pf.

Febr. 16.
¡Vida! – space-music-theatre in FUGA, FUGA Center of Architecture, Budapest (H)

TAZI Fanfare (WP)

Teachers and students of TAZI (school), cond. by Balázs Horváth

Febr. 07
the official opening ceremony of the 110th anniversary of the Tóth Aladár Music School, Main Hall of Liszt F. Academy of Music, Budapest (H)

Férfiszemmel / Női szemmel (From men's / women's perspective) – complete piece (WP)

Ágnes Herczku – voice, THReNSeMBLe (Máté Bán, Zsolt Bartek, Péter Tornyai, tamás Zétényi, Péter Kiss, János Nevelő), cond. by Balázs Horváth

Jan. 11
Átlátszó Hang Fesztivál (Transparent Sound Festival), Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Solti Hall, Budapest (H)

top of page



Magyar Klarinét Együttes
(Hungarian Clarinet Consort)

Dec. 09
Varga Tibor Music Institute (ex-Synagogue), Győr (H)

melody+accompaniment (WP)

Barefoot Musicians

Dec. 08
Contemporary Evening, FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture (H)

Férfiszemmel / Női szemmel (From men's / women's perspective) – excerpts (WP)

Ágnes Herczku – voice, THReNSeMBLe (Máté Bán, Zsolt Bartek, Péter Tornyai,Tamás Zétényi, Péter Kiss, János Nevelő), cond. by Balázs Horváth

Dec. 04
Új Magyar Művek Bemutatója, Fészek Klub, Budapest (H)

La continuita interrotta (a Elliott Carter)

Gergely Matuz – fl., István Szakács – pf.

Dec. 03
Bartók Memorial House, Budapest (H)

MAGNETS III (continued)

ensemble, cond. by Balázs Horváth (recording)

Oct. 16
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

...a very simple case... (fl-tape version)

Gergely Matuz – fl., tape

Oct. 08
Bartók Memorial House, Budapest (H)

die ReAlisierung einer komPosition (WP)

Tamás Gábor 'Indiana' – rapper, Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian Radio cond. by Gergely Vajda

Sept 26
The Finalists' concert of the New Hungarian Music Forum, 2013, Palace of Arts, Bartók Béla National Concert Hall, Budapest (H)

Commentaries to Gabrieli

Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian Radio cond. by Gergely Vajda (recording)

Aug. 13
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)


THReNSeMBLe (Zsolt Bartek, Péter Tornyai, Ferenc János Szabó, János Nevelő), cond. by Balázs Horváth

Apr. 20
Mozart-club, Óbudai Társaskör, Budapest (H)

Linear (WP)

Masato Okazaki – musical saw

March 03
Concert for Zoltán Jeney's 70th birthday, FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture (H)


Classicus Ensemble (Máté Bán – fl., Péter Tornyai – vla., Anastasia Razvalyaeva – hf.)

Febr. 12.
"Reflexions". CEU, Budapest (H)

Suite bourlesque

Free Voices Vocal Group, cond. by Laura Antal

Febr. 10
FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture (H)

Visszatekintve (Looking back)

Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. by Zsolt Hamar (recording)

Febr. 02
All Classical, Portland (radio), Club Mod (USA)

top of page


Double Cadence avec deux Doubles

Rivka Golani, Péter Bársony - vla., Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, cond. by Gregory Vajda

Sept. 30
Italian Institute, Budapest (H)

MAGNETS I/b (Crux)

Intermoduláció Chamber Ensemble, cond. by László Tihanyi (recording)

July 14
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

I Got Riff

Savaria Symphony Orchestra, Szombathely, cond. by Howard Williams

July 13
International Bartók Festival and Seminar, Szombathely (H)


Ensemble Modern, cond. by Pablo Rus Broseta (recording)

June 19
hr2-kultur (D)

(SK prem.)

Péter Szűcs - cl., György Gyivicsán - trb., Eszter Krulik - vl., Villő Oláh - vlc., János Nevelő - perc., cond. by Balázs Horváth

June 15
Slovak Radio, Bratislava (SK)

Waiting for...
(A prem.)

Ensemble Intermoduláció, cond. by László Tihanyi

May 17
OFF-Theater, Wien (A)

Waiting for...

Ensemble Intermoduláció, cond. by László Tihanyi

May 15
Austrian Cultural Institute, Budapest (H)


THReNSeMBLe (Zsolt Bartek, Péter Tornyai, Balázs Futó, János Nevelő), cond. by Balázs Horváth (recording)

Apr. 21
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

Short circuits

The competitors of the Horn Category of the 35th Brass and Percussion Instrumental Competition

April 1-2
35th Brass and Percussion Instrumental Competition, Debrecen (H)

Dots, lines (to Sacher via Boulez)

Ditta Rohmann - vlc. (recording)

March. 16
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

MAGNETS I/c (Crux)
(H prem.)

Modern Art Orchestra, cond. by Balázs Horváth

March 14
Bárka Theater, Budapest. (H)

From miles away

Gábor Subicz - tr.

March 14
Bárka Theater, Budapest. (H)

Video prolog (big band version)

Modern Art Orchestra, cond. by Balázs Horváth

March 14
Bárka Theater, Budapest. (H)

Motorway junction

Kristóf Bacsó, Dávid Ülkei, Balázs Cserta, Mihály Bajusznács - sax.

March 14
Bárka Theater, Budapest. (H)


Kornél Fekete-Kovács, Modern Art Orchestra, cond. by Balázs Horváth

March 14
Bárka Theater, Budapest. (H)


ensemble unitedberlin, cond. by Ferenc Gábor

Febr. 20
Werner Otto Hall, Konzerthaus, Berlin (D)


THReNSeMBLe (Zsolt Bartek, Péter Tornyai, Balázs Futó, János Nevelő), cond. by Balázs Horváth

Jan. 28
Mini Festival, Palace of Arts, Festivatheatre, Budapest (H)

top of page


Dots, lines (to Sacher via Boulez)

Ditta Rohmann - vlc.

Dec. 14
Új Magyar Művek Bemutatója, Fészek Klub, Budapest (H)


Ensemble Modern, cond. by Pablo Rus Broseta

Nov. 27
cresc., Hessische Rundfunk Sendesaal, Frankfurt (D)

(WP of the new version)

György Gyivicsán - trb. solo, Szeged Trombone Ensemble, cond. by Balázs Horváth

Nov. 16
Vántus István Contemporary Music Days, Ferenc Fricsay Hall, Szeged (H)

MAGNETS I/c (Crux)

VENI Academy, cond. by Kornél Fekete-Kovács

Nov. 09
Melos-Ethos Festival
, Small Concert Studio of the Slovak Radio, Bratislava. (SK)

MAGNETS I/c (Crux)

VENI Academy, cond. by Kornél Fekete-Kovács

Nov. 08
ISCM New Music Days, Kassa. (SK)

4 in 1

Csaba Klenyán, Péter Szűcs, Csaba Pálfi, Domonkos Szakács

Nov. 04
"Barangolás az új magyar zene világában", Bartók Memorial House, Budapest (H)

Faust Groteske
(A prem.)

Radio Symphonie Orchester Wien, cond. by Péter Eötvös

Oct. 08
musikprotokoll, Helmut-List-Halle, Graz (A)


THReNSeMBLe (Zsolt Bartek, Péter Tornyai, Balázs Futó, János Nevelő) cond. by Balázs Horváth

July 22
International Kodály Seminar, Lutheran Church, Kecskemét (H)

Visszatekintve (Looking back)

Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian Radio cond. by Balázs Horváth

June 04
Con Tempo, Hungarian Radio, Studio 6, Budapest (H)


Dávid Pintér, Eszter Krulik - vl., Péter Tornyai - vla., Ditta Rohmann - vlc.

May 15
Doctorandus concerts, Old Academy of Music, Budapest (H)

Shorter roundtrip
(WP of the first version of Roundtrip)

György Gyivicsán - trb. solo, Szeged Trombone Ensemble, cond. by József Csikota

May 10
Synagogue, Szeged (H)

(H prem.)

Componensemble, cond. by Zsolt Serei

May 04
Con Tempo, Hungarian Radio, Studio 6, Budapest (H)


The competitors of the final round of the 34th Brass Instrumental Competition (Ádám Vörös, Róbert Asztalos, Mihály Könyves-Tóth - trumpet), Debrecen Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. by Máté Hámori

April 20
34th Brass and Percussion Instrumental Competition, Debrecen University, Music Department, Liszt Hall, Debrecen (H)

(RO prem.)

Stadler Clarinet Ensemble, Oradea

April 17
Partium Christian University, Bartók Hall, Oradea (RO)

(CRO prem.)

Davor Krizic - tr., Croatian Radio Television Big Band, cond. by Sasa Nestorovic

April 13
ISCM World Music Days, Music Biennale Zagreb Lisinski Concert Hall, Zagreb (CRO)

...a very simple case... (vlc-tape version)

Balázs Adorján - vlc., tape

April 05
20th Anniversary of the Visegrád-4, Petőfi Museum of Literature, Budapest (H)

Waiting for...

THReNSeMBLe (Zsuzsanna Madai, Zsolt Bartek, Péter Tornyai, Ditta Rohmann, Balázs Futó, János Nevelő), cond. by Balázs Horváth

April 04
public general rehearsal of THReNSeMBLe with the program of the Gaudeamus International Competiton,Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest (H)

Waiting for...

THReNSeMBLe (Zsuzsanna Madai, Zsolt Bartek, Péter Tornyai, Ditta Rohmann, Balázs Futó, János Nevelő), cond. by Balázs Horváth

March 31
non-public concert of THReNSeMBLe with the program of the Gaudeamus International Competiton, Szabolcsi B. Music School, Budapest (H)

Fausték az elvarázsolt kastélyban

Concerto Budapest, cond. by András Keller

Febr. 8
The Finalists' concert of the New Hungarian Music Forum, 2011, Palace of Arts, Bartók Béla National Concert Hall, Budapest (H)


UMZE Ensemble, cond. by Zoltán Rácz

Febr. 8
The Finalists' concert of the New Hungarian Music Forum, 2011, Palace of Arts, Bartók Béla National Concert Hall, Budapest (H)

top of page



Ensemble Intercontamporain, cond. by Balázs Horváth (recording)

Dec. 18
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

Waiting for...
(SK prem.)

THReNSeMBLe (Zsuzsa Vámosi-Nagy, Zsolt Bartek, Péter Tornyai, Balázs Kántor, Ferenc János Szabó, János Nevelő) cond. by Balázs Horváth

Dec. 07
ISCM New Music Days, 2010, Kosice Philharmonie, Kosice (SK)

(SK prem.)

THReNSeMBLe (Zsolt Bartek, Péter Tornyai, Balázs Futó, János Nevelő) cond. by Balázs Horváth

Oct. 03
Koncerty v centre, Mirror Hall in Primates Palace, Bratislava (SK)

(CZ prem.)

Prague Chamber Symphony Orchestra, cond. by Balázs Horváth

Sept. 13
Mlada Praha (Young Prague) Festival, Rudolfinum Dvorak Hall, Prague (CZ)

Suite bourlesque II

Judit Király - ms., Óbuda Chamber Choir, cond. by Ákos Erdős

Sept. 12
the Day of the Hungarian Song, Óbudai Társaskör, Budapest (H)


Ensemble Intercontamporain, cond. by Balázs Horváth (recording)

Aug. 07
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)


Péter Szűcs - cl., György Gyivicsán - trb., Eszter Krulik - vl., Villő Oláh - vlc., László Tömösközi, János Nevelő - perc., cond. by Balázs Horváth

May 26
Con Tempo, Hungarian Radio, Studio 6, Budapest (H)


THReNSeMBLe (Zsolt Bartek, Péter Tornyai, Balázs Futó, János Nevelő) cond. by Balázs Horváth

April 28
Fészek Klub , Budapest (H)


THReNSeMBLe (Zsolt Bartek, Péter Tornyai, Ferenc János Szabó, János Nevelő) cond. by Balázs Horváth

March 21
Old Academy of Music, Budapest (H)

La Corsa Grande dei Clarinetti

Szepesi Bence - cl., Radio Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian Radio cond. by Gergely Vajda (recording)

March 04
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

top of page


Commentaries to Gabrieli

Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian Radio cond. by Gergely Vajda (recording)

Dec. 14
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)


THReNSeMBLe (Zsolt Bartek, Péter Tornyai, Balázs Futó, János Nevelő) cond. by Balázs Horváth

Dec. 02
Vántus István Contemporary Music Days, Ferenc Fricsay Hall, Szeged (H)

...a very simple case... (fl-tape version)

Márk Fülep - fl., tape

Dec. 01
Vántus István Contemporary Music Days, Szeged (H)

Music to the short novel of The Kappas by Akutagawa Ryonusoke (in Japanese)

Szilvia Elek - pf.

Nov. 22
Nádor Hall, Budapest (H)

Music to the short novel of The Kappas by Akutagawa Ryonusoke (in Hungarian) (WP)

Szilvia Elek - pf.

Nov. 20
Nádor Hall, Budapest (H)

Visszatekintve (Looking back)

Göteborg Symphony Orchestra, cond. by Pierre-André Valade (recording)

Oct. 15
Swedish Radio, Programme 2 (S)

PIN Code Variations

Amadinda Percussion Group

Oct. 11
Budapest Autumn Festival, Thália Theatre, Budapest (H)

Visszatekintve (Looking back)
(S prem.)

Göteborg Symphony Orchestra, cond. by Pierre-André Valade

Oct. 01
ISCM WMD, 2009, Göteborg Concert Hall (S)

...a very simple case... (fl-tape version)

Márk Fülep - fl., tape

Sept. 25
Music of Our Age, Nádor Hall, Budapest (H)

(non-public premiere)

Ensemble Intercontamporain, cond. by Balázs Horváth

Sept. 21
workshop of the Ensemble Intercontamporainand Music of Our Age, Trafó, Budapest (H)


Budapest Saxophone Quartet (recording)

Sept. 15
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)


Ewald Brass Quintet

Sept. 07
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

La strada ghiaiosa - per il sessantaquinto compleanno di Zoltán JENEY

Beáta Móri - cimb. (recording)

June 22
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)


Bence Horváth - tr., Hungarian Telekom Symphony Orchestra, cond. by András Keller (recording)

June 21
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

Etude F#-E-Bb -semitone
(Hommage a G. F. H.)

CORPUS Trombone Quartet (recording)

June 10
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

Visszatekintve (Looking back)

Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian Radio cond. by Stphen D'Agostino (recording)

June 04
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

Further sequence

Beáta Móri - cimb.

May 12
Portrait concert of Balázs Horváth, Rátkay klub, Budapest (H)

La strada ghiaiosa - per il sessantaquinto compleanno di Zoltán JENEY
(H prem.)

Beáta Móri - cimb.

May 12
Portrait concert of Balázs Horváth, Rátkay klub, Budapest (H)


UMZE Ensemble: Gergely Ittzés - ten-blockfl., Norbert Sax - accordeon, Ildikó Vékony - cimbalom, Aurél Holló - perc. (recording)

May 12
Portrait concert of Balázs Horváth, Rátkay klub, Budapest (H)

by the way (egy eset kapcsán) (tape version of a very simple case:)


May 12
Portrait concert of Balázs Horváth, Rátkay klub, Budapest (H)

and even the ice is cracking around you, too

Péter Földesi - fl., Balázs Futó - pf.

May 12
Portrait concert of Balázs Horváth, Rátkay klub, Budapest (H)

Etude F#-E-Bb -semitone
(Hommage a G. F. H.)

CORPUS Trombone Quartet (recording)

May 12
Portrait concert of Balázs Horváth, Rátkay klub, Budapest (H)

MAGNETS III (continued)

ensemble, cond. by Balázs Horváth (recording)

Apr. 17
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)


UMZE Ensemble: Gergely Ittzés - ten-blockfl., Norbert Sax - accordeon, Ildikó Vékony - cimbalom, Aurél Holló - perc. (recording)

Apr. 08
Bartók Rádió, Budapest (H)

Waiting for...

THReNSeMBLe (Zsuzsanna Madai, Zsolt Bartek, Péter Tornyai, Ditta Rohmann, Ferenc János Szabó, János Nevelő) cond. by Balázs Horváth

Apr. 05
Old Academy of Music, Budapest (H)

La continuita interrotta (a Elliott Carter)

Noémi Győri and Nóra Füzi

Apr. 04
Fringe Festival, 2009, Millenar Theatre, Budapest (H)

Etude F#-E-Bb -semitone
(Hommage a G. F. H.)
(NL prem.)

CORPUS Trombone Quartet

March 27
Slide Factory - European Trombone Festival - Jurriaanse zaal, Rotterdam (NL)

Quintet for three performers
(F prem.)

Ensemble Accroche Note (Armand Angster - cl., Christophe Beau - vlc., Michéle Renoul - pf.)

March 22
Aspects de Musique d'Aujourd'hui, Petit Auditorium de Caen (F)

(H prem.)

Mitteleuropäisches Kammerochester, cond. by Ajtony Csaba

Febr. 24
Old Academy of Music, Budapest (H)

(Sk prem.)

Mitteleuropäisches Kammerochester, cond. by Ajtony Csaba

Febr. 21
Palais Pálffy, Bratislava (SK)


Mitteleuropäisches Kammerochester, cond. by Ajtony Csaba

Febr. 20
Collegium Hungaricum, Wien (A)

Jigsaw (USA prem.)

Ewald Brass Quintet

Febr. 2
Juilliard School of Music, New York (USA)

Timesongs - I. Old men in pub

Judit Király - ms., Szabolcs Sándor - pf.

Jan. 30
Song Concert of Judit Király,
Nador Hall, Budapest (H)

Suite bourlesque II, III

Judit Király - ms., Óbuda Chamber Choir, cond. by Ákos Erdős

Jan. 30
Song Concert of Judit Király,
Nador Hall, Budapest (H)


Bence Horváth - tr., Hungarian Telekom Symphony Orchestra, cond. by András Keller

Jan. 12
The Finalists' concert of the New Hungarian Music Forum, 2009, Palace of Arts, Bartók Béla National Concert Hall, Budapest (H)

top of page


and even the ice is cracking around you, too

Péter Földesi - fl., Balázs Futó - pf.

Dec. 6
Con Spirito Concerts, Nádor Terem, Budapest (H)


Ensemble of the "Choir Song" Competition of the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, cond. by Gergely Dubóczky

Nov. 27
Final Concert of the Composers Competition of the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest (H)

Perpetuum mobile

Zoltán Zsigmond and Éva Pap Zsigmondné - pf.

Nov. 27
Vántus István Contemporary Music Days, Szeged (H)


János Maczák and his students - cl., cl.b.

Nov. 25
Vántus István Contemporary Music Days, Szeged (H)

MAGNETS III (continued)

ensemble, cond. by Balázs Horváth (recording)

Nov. 19
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

Suite bourlesque II, III
(J prem.)

La Musica , cond. by Éva Radics

Nov. 16
Akabane Hall, Kanazawa (J)

La strada ghiaiosa - per il sessantaquinto compleanno di Zoltán JENEY

Beáta Móri - cimb.

Sept. 28 Solo concert of Beáta Móri,
Teatro La Fenice di Venezia, Sale Apollinee, Venice (I)

(USA prem.)

The New Juilliard Ensemble, cond. by Joel Sachs

Sept. 27
Peter Jay Sharp Theater, New York(USA)

Commentaries to Gabrieli

Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian Radio cond. by Gergely Vajda (recording)

Sept. 18
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

(J prem.)

Tokyo Sinfonietta, cond. by Yasuaki Itakura

Aug. 28
Music in Current / Chamber Music, Suntory Hall / Blue Rose (Small Hall), Tokyo (J)


András Szalai, Ildikó Vékony - cimb., Marcell Dargay - pno., chamber ensemble, cond. by Balázs Horváth (recording)

June 02
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)


UMZE Ensemble: Gergely Ittzés - ten-blockfl., Norbert Sax - accordeon, Ildikó Vékony - cimbalom, Aurél Holló - perc.

Apr. 26
Hangszemle, Műcsarnok, Budapest (H)

Quartetto per flauti (seconda versione)

TeTRaVERSI flute-quartet

Apr. 25
St. Michael Church, Budapest (H)


Ewald Brass Quintet

Apr. 19
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

...'s love???

Anna Fűri - ms., Evelin Balog - alt-fl., Péter Tfirst - vl., Péter Hamar - vl., Attila Lezsák - vla., Richárd Rózsa - vlc., cond. by Balázs Horváth

Apr. 03
Chamber concert of the Liszt Ferenc Chamber Orchestra, Óbudai Társaskör, Budapest (H)

Etude F#-E-Bb -semitone
(Hommage a G. F. H.)

CORPUS Trombone Quartet

March 30
FO(U)R CORPUS - Soroksári Otthon Közösségi Ház, Budapest (H)

Visszatekintve (Looking back)

Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. by Zsolt Hamar

March 15
Palace of Arts, Bartók Béla National Concert Hall, Budapest (H)

Visszatekintve (Looking back)

Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. by Zsolt Hamar

March 14
National Theatre, Pécs (H)


Ewald Brass Quintet

Jan. 26
Mini Festival, Palace of Arts, Festivaltheatre, Budapest (H)


András Szalai, Ildikó Vékony - cimb., Marcell Dargay - pno., chamber ensemble, cond. by Balázs Horváth (recording)

Jan. 02
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

top of page


...'s love???

Anna Fűri - ms., Evelin Balog - alt-fl., Berán Quartet, cond. by Balázs Horváth

Nov. 28
Balázs Horváth's portrait concert, Nádor Hall, Budapest (H)

Again and again and...

Ewald Brass Quintet

Nov. 28
Balázs Horváth's portrait concert, Nádor Hall, Budapest (H)

...a very simple case... (fl-tape version)

Márk Fülep - fl., tape

Nov. 28
Balázs Horváth's portrait concert, Nádor Hall, Budapest (H)


Berán Quartet

Nov. 28
Balázs Horváth's portrait concert, Nádor Hall, Budapest (H)


Ewald Brass Quintet

Nov. 28
Balázs Horváth's portrait concert, Nádor Hall, Budapest (H)


István Matuz - fl., András Láng - vla., Melinda Felletár - hf., cond. by Gergely Matuz

Nov. 22
Vántus István Contemporary Music Days, Szeged (H)

...'s love???

Anna Fűri - ms., Zoltán Gyöngyössy - fl., Componensemble, cond. by Zsolt Serei (recording)

Nov. 16
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

Etude F#-E-Bb -semitone
(Hommage a G. F. H.)


CORPUS Trombone Quartet

Oct. 31
Új Magyar Művek Bemutatója, Budapest (H)

Salvador Dali grimasza, miközben a "Három virágfejű nő a tengerparton rábukkan egy hangversenyzongora bőrére" c. képét festi

UNGARIA Piano Quartet

Oct. 14
"Összhang" - Palace of Arts, Béla Bartók National Concert Hall (H)

Quintet for three performers

Csaba Klenyán - cl., György Déri - vlc., Balázs Futó - pf., cond. by Balázs Horváth

Oct. 14
Deutsche Welle Radio, 9.05 PM "Musikkanal gesendet" (D)


Solistenensemble Ligatura Berlin, cond. by Ferenc Gábor

Oct. 13
Closing concert of the Composition Competition 'In Memoriam György Ligeti'
Akademie der Künste, Berlin (D)

Quintet for three performers
(D prem.)

Csaba Klenyán - cl., György Déri - vlc., Balázs Futó - pf., cond. by Balázs Horváth

Sept. 24
Ungarischer Akzent, Arithmeum, Bonn (D)


András Szalay, Ildikó Vékony, Chamber ensemble, cond. by Balázs Horváth (recording)

Sept. 11
ABC Classic FM (AUS)

Quintet for three performers

Lajos Rozmán - cl./b-cl., Ditta Rohmann - vlc., Rita Kertész - pf.,cond. by Géza Gémesi

Aug. 05
Rondino Festival, Hegymagas (H)

and even the ice is cracking around you, too

István Matuz - fl., Vera Kancsár- pf.

July 20
Balassagyarmat (H)


Kornél Fekete-Kovács, Modern Art Orchestra, cond. by Balázs Horváth

July 13
International Bartók Festival and Seminar, Szombathely (H)

Waiting for...

Gergely Ittzés - fl., Csaba Klenyán - cl., Péter Somogyi - vl., András Kaszanyitzky - vlc., Péter Kiss - pf., László Tömösközi - vibr., cond. by László Tihanyi

July 10
International Bartók Festival and Seminar, Szombathely (H)


András Szalay, Ildikó Vékony, Chamber ensemble, cond. by Balázs Horváth (recording)

May 27
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

...a very simple case... (solo version)

István Matuz - fl.

May 22
Debrecen (H)


Magyar Klarinét Együttes
(Hungarian Clarinet Consort)

May 01
Synagogue, Győr (H)

From 3 to 10
(CH prem.)

Klavierduo Accento (Doychin Raychev, Miroslav Boyadzhiev)

March 03
Musikfestival, Bern, Veress 07 - Die Lange Nacht der IGNM, Bern (CH)

and even the ice is cracking around you, too (US prem.)

Emily Thomas - fl., Juliana Steinbach - pf.

Febr. 01
Hungarian Music After Bartók, Peter Jay Sharp Theater, New York (USA)

Commentaries to Gabrieli

Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian Radio cond. by Gergely Vajda (recording)

Jan. 02
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

top of page


Quintet for three performers

András Horn - cl./b-cl., György Déri - vlc., Balázs Futó - pf., cond. by Balázs Horváth

Dec. 11
Vasarely Museum, Budapest (H)

Waiting for...

Krisztina Kocsis - fl., Gábor Légrádi - cl., Melinda Kirnyák - vl., Györgyi Kőrösi - vlc., Judit Kovács - pf., Krisztián Laskai - vibr. , cond. by Péter Somorjai

Nov. 22
Vántus István Contemporary Music Days, Szeged (H)

From miles away

Bence Horváth - tr.

Nov. 15
Bence Horváth's DLA Masterconcert, Nádor Terem, Budapest (H)

...'s love???

Anna Fűri - ms., Zoltán Gyöngyössy - fl., Componensemble, cond. by Zsolt Serei

Oct. 9
Budapest Autumn Festival, Városi Színház, Budapest (H)

and even the ice is cracking around you, too

Ákos Dratsay - fl., Balázs Fülei - pf.

Aug. 31
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

and even the ice is cracking around you, too

Péter Földesi - fl., Balázs Futó - pf.

May 11
"Debute", Péter Földesi's flute concert, Rátkai Klub, Budapest, (H)

From miles away

Bence Horváth - tr.

May 3
Hommage á Bartók - Hangversenyciklus 2006, Hungarian Radio Studio 6, Budapest (H)

Commentaries to Gabrieli

Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian Radio cond. by Gergely Vajda (recording)

Apr. 28
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

Suite bourlesque II, III

Mixed Choir of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, cond. by Gabriella Molnár

March 17
Academy of Music, Main Hall, Budapest (H)


Andrea Ladányi, Csaba Horváth - dancers, Balázs Horváth, Szabolcs Kerestes- live electronics

Febr. 25
VIII. Making New Waves, Trafó - House of Contemporary Arts, Budapest Budapest (H)

and even the ice is cracking around you, too

Ákos Dratsay - fl., Balázs Fülei - pf.

Jan. 27
Mini Fesztivál, ELTE Aula, Budapest (H)

MAGNETS III (continued)

ensemble, cond. by Balázs Horváth (recording)

Jan. 6/13
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

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Quartetto per flauti (prima versione)

TeTRaVERSI flute-quartet

Dec. 14
Új Magyar Művek bemutatója, Fészek Művészklub, Budapest (H)

MAGNETS III (continued)
(PL prem.)

ensemble, cond. by Balázs Horváth (recording)

Nov. 5
Polish Radio, Varsó (PL)

and even the ice is cracking around you, too
(I prem.)

Karina Erhard - fl., Nora Mulder - pf.

Oct. 20
Accademia di Ungheria, Roma (I)

MAGNETS IVa (round and round) [Original version]

ensemble, cond. by Gergely Vajda

Oct. 17
Balázs Horváth's portrait concert, Budapest Autumn Festival, Palace of Arts, Festivaltheatre, Budapest (H)

MAGNETS III (continued)

ensemble, cond. by Balázs Horváth

Oct. 17
Balázs Horváth's portrait concert, Budapest Autumn Festival, Palace of Arts, Festivaltheatre, Budapest (H)

MAGNETS I/b (Crux)

ensemble, cond. by Balázs Horváth

Oct. 17
Balázs Horváth's portrait concert, Budapest Autumn Festival, Palace of Arts, Festivaltheatre, Budapest (H)

lines, words, letters

Judit Rajk - alt, Gábor Csonka - vl., Géza István Hargitai - fg.

Oct. 17
Balázs Horváth's portrait concert, Budapest Autumn Festival, Palace of Arts, Festivaltheatre, Budapest (H)


Berán Quartet

Oct. 17
Balázs Horváth's portrait concert, Budapest Autumn Festival, Palace of Arts, Festivaltheatre, Budapest (H)

Commentaries to Gabrieli

Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian Radio cond. by Gergely Vajda

Oct. 17
Balázs Horváth's portrait concert, Budapest Autumn Festival, Palace of Arts, Festivaltheatre, Budapest (H)


Budapest Saxophone Quartet (recording)

Oct. 9
Tilos Radio, Budapest (H)

MAGNETS IVb (round and round) [Huddersfield version]

Ensemble UMZE, cond. by Zsolt Nagy (recording)

Oct. 9
Tilos Radio, Budapest (H)

Commentaries to Gabrieli

Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian Radio cond. by László Kovács (recording)

Oct. 9
Tilos Radio, Budapest (H)

MAGNETS III (continued)

ensemble, cond. by Balázs Horváth (recording)

Sept. 17
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

...a very simple case... (solo version)

Márk Fülep - fl. (recording)

Aug. 25
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

and even the ice is cracking around you, too

Péter Földesi - fl., Balázs Futó - pf.

July 16
Con Spirito Concerts, Ercsi (H)

MAGNETS III (continued)

ensemble, cond. by Balázs Horváth (recording)

June 25
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

and even the ice is cracking around you, too

Péter Földesi - fl., Balázs Futó - pf.

May 31
Old Academy of Music, Budapest (H)

Salvador Dali's, grimace while painting his "Three flower-headed women runs into the skin of a concert-piano"

UNGARIA Piano quartet

May 6
Flech Károly Cultural Center (H)

MAGNETS V (four)

Orkest 'de ereprijs', cond. by Gergely Vajda

Febr. 25
VII. Making New, Trafó - House of Contemporary Arts, Budapest, Budapest (H)

...a very simple case... (fl-tape version)

Márk Fülep - fl., tape

Febr. 2
Márk Fülep's flute concert, Nádor Terem, Budapest (H)

Suite bourlesque II, III

Óbuda Chamber Choir, cond. by Ákos Erdős

Jan. 23
Néprajzi Múzeum, Budapest (H)

Salvador Dali's, grimace while painting his "Three flower-headed women runs into the skin of a concert-piano"
(J prem.)

UNGARIA Piano quartet

Jan. 9/10
Minato Mirai Hall, Yokohama (J)

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and even the ice is cracking around you, too

Péter Földesi - fl., Balázs Futó - pf.

Dec. 11
Con Spirito Concerts, Nádor Terem, Budapest (H)

and even the ice is cracking around you, too
(CZ prem.)

(Mondschein Ensemble)

Dec. ?
Maly sal JAMU, Brno (CZ)

...a very simple case... (solo version)

Márk Fülep - fl.

Nov. 24
Új Magyar Művek bemutatója, Fészek Művészklub, Budapest (H)

emag a tsuj

Péter Bársony - vla., László Holics - pf.

Nov. 21
Ernst Museum, Budapest (H)

and even the ice is cracking around you, too

Péter Földesi - fl., Balázs Futó - pf. (hangfelvétel)

Oct. 28
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

Again and again and.

Brass in the Five, cond. by Balázs Horváth

Oct. 23
Budapest Autumn Festival, Academy of Music, Small Hall, Budapest (H)

...a very simple case... (fl-tape version)

Márk Fülep - fl., tape

Oct. 9
National Flute Meeting, Békés (H)

(GB prem.)

Musicians of the Philharmonia Orchestra, cond. by Baldur Brönnimann

May 27
"Music of Today", Royal Festival Hall, London (GB)

Contraindications III.

Students of the Bartók Béla Music Secondary School

May 23
"Young Talnts' COncert" of the Bartók Béla Music Secondary School, Academy of Music, Main Hall, Budapest (H)



Apr. 13
Transzflexio, Gödör Klub, Budapest (H)


tape (recording)

Apr. 11
Tilos Radio, Budapest (H)


Andrea Csereklyei - ms., Ensemble, cond. by Balázs Horváth (recording)

Apr. 11
Tilos Radio, Budapest (H)

MAGNETS IVb (round and round) [Huddersfield version]

Ensemble UMZE, cond. by Zsolt Nagy (recording)

March 30
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

Salvador Dali's, grimace while painting his "Three flower-headed women runs into the skin of a concert-piano"

UNGARIA Piano quartet

Febr. 14
Ráday Castle (H)

Madrigali I

Free Voices Vocal Ensemble, cond. by Laura Antal

Febr. 8
VI. Making New Waves, Trafó - House of Contemporary Arts, Budapest (H)

Commentaries to Gabrieli

Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian Radio cond. by László Kovács

Febr. 5
Italian Institute, Budapest (H)

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MAGNETS IVb (round and round) [Huddersfield version]

Ensemble UMZE, cond. by Zsolt Nagy

Nov. 30
Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, Huddersfield (GB)

and even the ice is cracking around you, too

Norbert Szabó - fl., Zoltán Zsigmond - pf.

Nov. 19
Vántus István Contemporary Music Days, Szeged (H)

and even the ice is cracking around you, too

Péter Földesi - fl., Balázs Futó - pf.

Nov. 19
Új Magyar Művek bemutatója, Fészek Művészklub, Budapest (H)

and even the ice is cracking around you, too
(non-public premiere)

Péter Földesi - fl., Balázs Futó - pf.

Oct. 28
Concerto f the holders of the Kodály Zoltán Scholarship, Marble Hall of the Hungarian Radio, Budapest (H)

From 3 to 10

Marcell Dargay, Dániel Dinyés

Oct. 28
Concerto f the holders of the Kodály Zoltán Scholarship, Marble Hall of the Hungarian Radio, Budapest (H)

At the end of September

Bence Gazda - vl., Rózsa Farkas - cimb.

Oct. 26
VII. Cimbalmos Baráti Kör Fesztivál, ELTE Aula, Budapest (H)

MAGNETS III (continued)
(SLO prem.)

The Chamber String Orchestra of the Slovenian Philharmony, cond. by Marko Letonja

Oct. 1
ISCM World Music Days 2003, Sloven Philharmonic Hall, Ljubljana (SLO),

Suite bourlesque II, III

Debrecen Kodály Choir, cond. by Máté Szabó Sípos

Sept. 14
CD premiering concert of the Debreceni Debrecen Kodály Choir, National Theatre, Budapest (H)

(H prem.)


June 1
Hangszemle, Műcsarnok, Budapest (H)


János Bálint - fl., Péter Bársony - vla., Deborah Sipkay - hf., cond. by Balázs Horváth

March 27
Marble Hall of the Hungarian Radio, Budapest (H)

Salvador Dali's, grimace while painting his "Three flower-headed women runs into the skin of a concert-piano"

UNGARIA Piano quartet

Febr. 23
Academy of Music, Main Hall, Budapest (H)

La Corsa Grande dei Clarinetti

Szepesi Bence - cl., Radio Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian Radio cond. by Gergely Vajda (recording)

Jan. ??
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

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János Maczák, Adél Lovas, Katalin Ágnes Szabó, Csaba Somossy - cl., Ádám Erőss - cl.b.

Nov. 21
Final Concert of the Vántus István Contemporary Music Days, Szeged (H)

From 3 to 10

Marcell Dargay, Dániel Dinyés

Nov. 20
Új Magyar Művek bemutatója, Fészek Művészklub, Budapest (H)

Suite bourlesque II, III

Óbudai Kamarakórus, cond. by Ákos Erdős

July 4
Bartók Béla International Choral Competition, Hotel Arany Bika, Debrecen (H)



May 30
Performance Area of the City University, London (GB)

La Corsa Grande dei Clarinetti

Szepesi Bence - cl., Radio Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian Radio cond. by Gergely Vajda

May 28
Bartók Radio, Budapest (H)

MAGNETS I/b (Crux)

Ensemble, cond. by Balázs Horváth

May 8
Old Academy of Music, Budapest (H)

Salvador Dali's, grimace while painting his "Three flower-headed women runs into the skin of a concert-piano"

UNGARIA Piano quartet

May 6
Concerto f the UNGARIA Piano quartet, Óbudai Társaskör, Budapest (H)

Quintet fo three performers III (with the title "Trio")

András Horn - cl., György Déri - vlc., Anna Granik - pf., cond. by Balázs Horváth

Febr. 28
Concerto f the holders of the Kodály Zoltán Scholarship, Kodály Emlékház, Budapest (H)

Quintet fo three performers (with the title "Trio")

András Horn - cl., György Déri - vlc., Anna Granik - pf., cond. by Balázs Horváth

Febr. 24
Hangszemle, Műcsarnok, Budapest (H)

From 3 to 10
(non-public premiere)

Marcell Dargay, Dániel Dinyés

Febr. 14
Zeneakadémia Kisterem, Budapest (H)

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MAGNETS III (continued)
(H prem.)

The string players of the Paris Conservatoire and Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest, cond. by László Tihanyi

Oct. 27
Budapest Autumn Festival, Old Academy of Music, Budapest (H)

MAGNETS III (continued)

The string players of the Paris Conservatoire and Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest, cond. by László Tihanyi

Oct. 25
Salle d'Art Lyrique, Conservatoire Paris. (F)

On the see-saw.

Ensemble 'de ereprijs', cond. by Wim Boerman

Sept. 5
Gaudeamus Music Week, Amsterdam (NL)

MAGNETS II (rkonzert)

Balázs Tóth - vla., Péter Ács - cb., Ensemble UMZE, cond. by Balázs Horváth

July 17
25. Centre Acanthes, Villeneuve-lez-Avignon (F)

Petrus Passio

Óbuda Chamber Choir, cond. by Ákos Erdős

May 26
Hungarian Radio Studio 6, Budapest (H)

MAGNETS I/b (Crux)

Intermoduláció Chamber Ensemble, cond. by László Tihanyi

May 15
Hangszemle, Műcsarnok, Budapest (H)

Suite bourlesque II, III

Óbuda Chamber Choir, cond. by Ákos Erdős

Apr. 10
Budapest International Choral Competition, Pesti Vigadó, Budapest (H)


Budapest Saxophone Quartet, cond. by Balázs Horváth

Jan. 27
Mini Fesztivál, Pesti Vigadó, Budapest (H)

(non-public premiere)

Women's Choir of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, cond. by Béni Csillag

Jan. 19
Béni Csillag's diploma-concert, Academy of Music Main Hall, Budapest (H)

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Suite bourlesque II, III

Óbuda Chamber Choir, cond. by Ákos Erdős

Dec. 17
Old Academy of Music, Budapest (H)


Budapest Saxophone Quartet

Dec. 17
Old Academy of Music, Budapest (H)


Budapest Saxophone Quartet, cond. by Balázs Horváth

Dec. 17
Old Academy of Music, Budapest (H)


Budapest Saxophone Quartet, cond. by Balázs Horváth

Nov. 22
Új Magyar Művek bemutatója, Fészek Művészklub, Budapest (H)

MAGNETS I/b (Crux)

Intermoduláció Chamber Ensemble, cond. by László Tihanyi

Oct. 26
15th anniversary concert of the Intermoduláció Chamber Ensemble, Budapest Autumn Festival. Academy of Music Small Hall, Budapest (H)


Budapest Saxophone Quartet

July 07
12th World Saxophone Congress, Montreal (CAN)


Bence Dániel Horváth - cb. (recording)

May 25
CEU presentation, Budapest (H)

Suite bourlesque II, III
(CH prem.)

Óbuda Chamber Choir, cond. by Ákos Erdős

Apr. 25
Montreaux Choral Festival, Auditorium Stravinski, Montreaux (CH)

Suite bourlesque II, III

Óbuda Chamber Choir, cond. by Ákos Erdős

March 26
Óbudai Társaskör, Budapest (H)


Bence Dániel Horváth - cb.

March 24
Concert on Béla Bartók's birthday, Bartók Béla Music Secondary School Ferencsik János-Hall, Budapest (H)

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Amy Schneider - ms., ALEA III Ensemble, cond. by Theodore Antoniou

Oct. 2
Final Concert of the 17th ALEA III Composition Competition, Tsai Center, Boston (USA)

The mad man with mouth-organ

János Klézli, Roland Hajdu

Aug. 5
Kodály Zoltán Music Pedagogical Institute, Kecskemét. (H)

La Corsa Grande dei Clarinetti
(non-public premiere)

Bence Szepesi - cl., Budafok Dohnányi Ernő Symphony Orchestra, cond. by Gergely Vajda

June 23
Balázs Horváth's diploma-concert, Academy of Music, Main Hall, Budapest (H)

On the see-saw.
(non-public premiere)

Ensemble, cond. by Gergely Vajda

June 23
Balázs Horváth's diploma-concert, Academy of Music, Main Hall, Budapest (H)

(non-public premiere)

Andrea Csereklyei - ms., Ensemble, cond. by Balázs Horváth

June 23
Balázs Horváth's diploma-concert, Academy of Music, Main Hall, Budapest (H)

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Mr.B. meets Anthony

Componensemble, cond. by Zsolt Serei

Nov. 25
Fészek Művészklub, Budapest (H)


Ágnes Szakály, Rózsa Farkas, Abmiram Duo, Budapest Chamber Orchestra, cond. by Béla Drahos

Oct. 14
II. Cimbalmos Baráti Kör Fesztivál, Óbudai Társaskör, Budapest (H)

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Budapest Saxophone Quartet

May 3
Új Zenei Szemle, Merlin Theatre, Budapest (H)

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Mirabel's dance

J. Sam Pilafian, Balázs Horváth

Aug. 17
Boston University Tanglewood Institute, Tanglewood (MA, USA)

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